Patient Initials:
Mr. W.
Age: 54 Years
Gender: Male
Location: Karachi, Pakistan
Severe pain in lower back that travelled down the leg, Numbness
Suggested Allopathic Treatment:
Pain Killers, Physiotherapy, Surgery
Unani Treatment:
Patient complained of pain in one leg. Sciatic disorder confirmed via various physical postures. First, patient’s mezaj was narrowed down. Then humor imbalances were identified. Patient was put on a dietary plan; food items like beef, fruit and vegetable juices, yogurt, cold water, citrus fruits, and etc., are removed from the diet. Patient was asked to be extra careful about posture when doing daily tasks. Patient was also made aware of life style related important factors such as bed height, quality of sleeping mattress, and quality of shoes that might play an important role in the successful management of sciatica related complications. Furthermore, patient was strongly advised to not subject the affected leg to unnecessary stresses. He must avoid lifting any heavy objects and ascending or descending stairs. A mix of up to 40 herbs and other materials in the form of madjoon (paste) and Sufoof (powder) started showing positive results within a short period.
Final Result:
Patient cured in four weeks. Complete Success.